Preventive Oncology

Cancer is a preventable disease, half of all cancer cases either arise from modifiable risk factors or can be detected as precursor lesions before the development of disease with metastatic potential. Prevention of cancer can take place on several different levels: primary prevention addresses the cause of cancer so disease does not occur, secondary prevention identifies disease before the onset of symptoms and keeps it from becoming more extensive, and tertiary prevention reduces complications and progression of disease once it has become clinically apparent.

Gynecological cancers include:

Cervical cancer (Cervix is lower part of uterus)

Uterine cancer

Ovarian cancer

Vaginal cancer

Vulval cancer

Breast cancer

Among these breast cancer and cervical cancer are the commonest gynecological cancers. Abnormal white discharge, irregular or heavy bleeding during periods, continuous itching in vaginal area, any lump in breast, decrease in weight , post menopausal bleeding (bleeding from vagina after menopause), foul smelling discharge from vagina, nipple discharge etc. are the symptoms of gynecological cancers

Screening tests are commonly done to detect cancer of cervix and breasts and rarely for cancer of ovaries (in women who have a high risk due to a family history of cancers of ovaries or breasts and sometimes bowel).

We offer a number of cancer-related screening starting from PAP test which is done to detect cancer of the cervix . We are experienced in colposcopy for women with abnormal PAP tests. These tests detect pre-cancer lesions on the cervix which may be treated by simple methods like cryosurgery, Loop excision etc, without resorting to a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix). If left untreated, these lesions may over several years, progress to full blown cancers which have to be then treated by hysterectomy / radiotherapy. In order to avoid this, we recommend that women undergo the PAP test yearly. For breast cancer prevention we recommend every monthly self breast examination and a yearly clinical examination by a trained medical professional including a mammography after age of 45.

To prevent cervical cancer, vaccine's are available.These vaccines can prevent cervical cancer to a great extent