Candidiasis, A Vaginal yeast Infection commonly seen in OPD

What is Candidiasis?Candidiasis is a vaginal yeast infection commonly seen in females. A healthy vaginal flora does comprise of bacteria and some yeast cells. When the vaginal flora alters yeast cells can multiply causing intense itching, swelling and irritation.

What are the symptoms of a Candidiasis?

Vaginal yeast infections have a common set of symptoms, such as

• Whitish gray clumpy discharge (cottage cheese)

• Vaginal Itching

• Burning during urination or sex

• Swelling around the vagina

• Pain during sex

• Soreness

• Rash

• Fever

• Nausea

• Vomiting

What causes Candidiasis?

Candida is a naturally occurring microorganism in the vagina. Lactobacillus bacteria keeps its growth in check. If the vaginal flora alters Lactobacillus bacteria won’t work effectively leading to overgrowth of yeast causing the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection.

Several factors can cause a yeast infection including;

• Use of Antibiotic altering vaginal flora

• Pregnancy

• Weak Immune system

• Uncontrolled Diabetes

• Poor eating habits

• Hormonal imbalance

• Stress

• Lack of Sleep

How is it Diagnosed?

Your Gynecologist will perform a pelvic exam and examine your vaginal walls and cervix. They will look at the surrounding area for external signs of infection. If you have had repetitive yeast infection a sample will be send to lab for identification of organism.

How is it treated?

Commonly used medications are

• Fluconazole

• Terconazole

• Itraconazole

• Long term prescription of fluconazole might even be prescribed once a week for six week

• Boric and or Clotrimazole acid suppository

• Dusting Clotrimazole Powder

• pH balancing Vaginal wash